Orillia's first motorized firetruck is still in active duty.

In 1923, the town of Orillia took delivery of its first motorized fire truck - a brand-new American LaFrance chemical and ladder truck.  
Here’s a picture, taken on Peter Street across from the fire hall, shortly after the truck arrived.


The American LaFrance Fire Engine Company was one of the oldest fire apparatus manufacturers in the United States - with roots that go back to approximately 1832. In the early 1900s, a branch factory was established in Toronto – and this is where Orillia’s type 75 was made.

Because Orillia had hydrants, the truck was often left unattended once the required ladders and hoses were deployed at the scene of a fire. In the picture below, we see children climbing on the truck while at the scene of a fire in the late 1920s.

The truck was retired from active duty in 1953, but even today children of all ages still enjoy climbing up on the truck and cranking the siren.


To learn more about how this vehicle has remained in Orillia, watch our YouTube video: