Database of Orillia Companies

We are compiling a list of all companies that existed in Orillia and area from 1850 to 1980. Click on the company name to see more details if we have them. This is a work in progress, any information you can add about any aspect of these companies would be greatly appreciated.

 Id  Company Name Started Ended Location Owner or President
71 Dewey, Harry 1956 1962
72 Dichburn Boats 1924 1933 Waterfront at foot of Mississaga St. South side. Herbert Ditchburn
73 Dick, Peter Co. 1871 1872
74 Dimension Enterprise 1956 Atherley Road near Gill
75 Dissette & Hoy 1871 1886
76 Dominion Dairy 1960
77 Dominion Lumber C 1933 1933 Front Street and Queen
78 Dominion Woolen and Worsteds 1923 1940s Corner of Wyandotte and Victoria Streets.
79 Dominion Wrought Iron Wheel Co 1903 1910 S/W corner King and & West Streets J.B.Tudhope
80 Dorcon Can. Ltd. 1976

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